Visitors to the Park may be puzzled as to why an area of “weeds” is cordoned off, by the natural play area near the pond. This is the area that was planted with wildflowers as part of the Community Action Day on 26 March. There was almost no rain for several weeks after the planting was done, and the surprise is that anything has grown at all.
If you look closely, you can see that all sorts of plants have succeeded. The objective is to introduce a wider variety of native plants to attract moths, butterflies and other insects.
It has been pleasing to see the growth of the waterside plants beside the new pond-dipping platform. Like the meadow planting, this marginal planting is somewhat experimental, to see if we can establish new planting in and around the pond and thereby improve the variety of the wildlife. Although the young plants were set in mats rather than the intended coir rolls, they seem to be taking root and are growing up through the cage. (The cage around the plants was provided to stop the ducks eating the young plants.)
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