The threat of large-scale loss of ash trees from our woodlands has now been reported in national headline news. For those of you who may be understandably concerned about the potential affect on Cherry Hinton Hall and other local areas, we are publishing the following statement on the subject from the City Council’s Arboricultural Officer, sent to the Committee on 6 November:
We don’t think that we have Chalara in the city as of yet, but this is very hard to confirm due to the fact we’re in the throws of autumn. The early signs and symptoms of the disease are the very much the same as natural leaf fall, so I am hesitant at this time to give any good indications of where we stand with this outbreak.
I think by late summer of next year we will have a better idea as to the progress of this pathogen. Nevertheless, we’re obviously closely monitoring the advice given to us by DEFRA, FERA and the Forestry Commission.
Helpful advisory links:
Forestry Commission link:
Two videos produced by FERA (the Food and Environment Research Agency) give an explanation of what the disease is and how to recognise it:
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